99C SALE! Solhaven Forevers by Liz Martinson

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Solhaven Forevers 

3 book series

By Liz Martinson

Publisher: The Romance CafΓ©

99C US & UK

Hosted by DS Book Promotions

* 99c US & UK: Jan 27-30*

Love By Sunset #1


Love By Moonlight 


Love By Sunrise 


Read on Kindle Unlimited


There’s something about Solhaven—Solhaven and love seem to go hand in hand, so beware if you visit.

Laid-back Jake has sworn off commitment, but falls for business woman Emily. Sweet Claire wins over Daniel, who arrives full of despair. Lizzie lacks confidence and is helped through her angst by the mysterious gardener, Anton.

Perhaps it’s the sea air? Maybe there’s a kelpie keeping watch who likes to lend a helping hand?

Whatever it is, true love is found in the tranquil and beautiful coastal scenery of south Wales, with its secret coves and peaceful beaches.

You’ll fall in love with Solhaven itself, and which couple will prove to be your favourite?

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